Industry: Water Management
Tech Stack: Azure, C#, Unity
A data application that uses scenarios of extreme water discharge to help steer decision making for long term strategy, by acting as a conversation tool and enabling making changes and testing scenarios interactively.
#WaterManagement #DataApplication #StrategicPlanning #FutureScenarios

The Waterboard Drents Overijsselse Delta (WDO Delta) needs to be prepared for changes in their region. Future changes like the latest coalition agreement with new policies on land use (housing, agriculture, etc.), emissions (CO2, nitrogen, etc.) and energy, as well as climate change and an increasing population.
To help WDO Delta prepare for the future Yabba Data Doo built a data- model and application using modern data technology to enable interactively testing future extreme scenarios.
The application named the WBS-Tool-Pilot displays the region map and consists of a build and test mode. The build mode lets WDO Delta, build among others, new housing-, farming-, and nature area. While the test mode enables displaying the extreme scenarios, and with a colour overlay showcase highly affected areas under stress from excess water.
The application enables WDO Delta to strategically consider and test where in the region to expand, build and construct new types of land in a safe way. As well as where to take precaution and set preventive actions into place.

Yabba Data Doo developed the WBS-Tool-Pilot in 6 sprints with continuous feedback from the WDO Delta stakeholders. By building several prototypes before launching the production version, the quality of the tool and the data foundation was constantly improved. The tool was validated with employees of WDO Delta.
The scope of the WBS-Tool-Pilot was to focus on extreme scenarios of abundancy of water quantity (rainstorms and flooding). In the future the tool will be expanded to also show scenarios of flood risk management (width and height of dikes), drought water quantity and water chains.
An interactive tool can support decision making on long term strategy​
Act as a conversation tool with policy makers
Making changes to the region and test scenarios live